Ingrown Toenail Specialist Limerick
Conveniently located in Castletroy, Limerick
📍 Groody Centre, Castletroy
🅿 Free Parking
⏰ Early & Late Appointments
🚌 304A Bus Route

Hi, I'm Stephen. The owner of MyPodiatry Limerick. I'm close to a decade in experience working with the Foot, Ankle & Lower Limb. I have specialised training with University of Galway, HSE & Private Clinics. After treating 100's of ingrown nails the trick is to catch them early to avoid infection. Some treatments I use include; Excision via Professional Nippers, Sharp Debridement, Cotton Wool Packing.
- Owner
Does This Sound Like You?
Your GP has prescribed you with antibiotics but you are still in pain?
All the home remedies you looked up don't seem to be working?
You have been told Nail Surgery is you only option?
Your Ingrown Nail is continuously painful and impacting your daily routine.
Have you have started to worry that you will never get rid of your Ingrown Toenail and may never get back to doing the things you love to do?
If you answered Yes to any of the above... You may have found your answer to you Ingrown Toenail at MyPodiatry Limerick.

6 Reasons to Choose MyPodiatry
We guarantee you will be satisfied. (If you’re not 100% satisfied with your appointment you don’t have to pay). terms and conditions apply
You Can Park for Free Right Outside The Door
You Can Book Online 24/7... Right From Your Phone
You Can Get A Late Appointment... No Need To Take Time Off Work
You Can Take Up Our Of Offer A Free Phone Appointment With Stephen Before You Arrive If You Are Unsure If We Can Help You
You Get Treated By Medics Who Specialise In Feet Only... We KNOW exactly Whats Needed To Get You Back On Your Feet.
What is an Ingrown Nail?
An ingrown toenail is typically caused by the nail growing into the skin surrounding the nail bed. This can occur for a variety of reasons, including:
1. Improper nail trimming: Cutting your toenails too short or rounding the edges can cause the nail to grow into the skin.
2. Tight-fitting shoes: Wearing shoes that are too tight can put pressure on your toes and cause the nail to grow into the skin.
3. Trauma to the toe: Stubbing your toe or dropping something on it can cause the nail to grow into the skin.
4. Genetic factors: Some people are born with toenails that are more prone to growing into the skin.
5. Fungal infections: Fungal infections can cause the nail to become thick and difficult to trim properly, which can lead to ingrown toenails.
Regardless of the cause, it's important to seek treatment for an ingrown toenail as soon as possible to prevent infection and other complications. Stephen, your Podiatrist, can help determine the best course of treatment based on the severity of your ingrown toenail.