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Will You Fix My Corn???


The most common question I get asked in MyPodiatry Limerick is... What Is A Corn???

They're pesky little things that can keep you from walking pain free! Don't worry, this blog will cover everything on corns!

First things first, what exactly is a corn?

Corns are thick areas of skin cells that can appear in various areas on the foot. They mainly form in high pressure areas but not always! I like to think of them as the body's defense mechanism against pressure!

One lady said to me this week; "they are worse when I wear high heels"... High heels = More Pressure which then means more Pain!

There are three types of corns that we typically see in our clinic: hard, soft, and seed. Hard corns are thicker and denser, and are commonly found on the underside of your foot and the tops of your toes. Soft corns, on the other hand, are whitish in appearance and typically occur between the toes. Finally, seed corns are the smallest in size and are often seen on the ball of your foot.

What else causes corns?

The main culprits are rubbing, friction, and pressure. This is why ill-fitting or tight footwear is often the biggest contributing factor. In fact, research tells us that most women wear shoes that are two sizes too small! This is why women are four times more likely than men to develop corns. High-heeled footwear can also cause immense pressure and friction on different areas of the foot, leading to the recurrence of corns even after treatment.

Alright... What's the solution?

Don't worry. Stephen at MyPodiatry has you covered! Corn removal is a simple and pain-free way to immediately relieve yourself of the corn. We can also provide padding around the corn to provide relief when you go back to wearing footwear. For more complicated corns between or around the toes, we can make a custom wedge device in our clinic to offload areas of high pressure and rubbing.

We do not recommend using corn pads, which contain acid that can harm healthy surrounding tissues and not be very effective in treating the corn itself. The most important thing is to understand what is causing your corn to develop in the first place, so that we can make the necessary changes to keep your feet corn-free in the long run!

So if you're ready to say goodbye to those annoying corns, book online or call Stephen McCarthy, Owner at MyPodiatry on 089 6171046...


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